Protective Services must be appropriate for the level of risk faced.

These risks range from physical danger, accident, and medical emergency, to embarrassing situations that lead to bad publicity. I specialise in those situations where the client faces these risks due to either the position held or the environment in which he/she is operating or living.

Who Needs Protective Services?

In today's society., it's not only the very rich, very famous, very visible, or those being stalked regularly facing a level of risk, but level of risk is not necessarily a criteria for protection. Rather, protection should be provided to anyone whose injury or loss would have a negative impact on an enterprise or family such that the sums involved in providing protection are deemed cost efficient when compared to the alternatives. Note that by this definition there need not be an exceptional threat involved.

Working for a family in EuropeWhen you travel or work in or outside of  Europe or the United States  you - and members of your staff and family - are targets for kidnapping for political reasons by terrorists, or for kidnapping and ransom by criminals. The costs to the enterprise in the case of a kidnapping may justify protective services for some who would not merit protection in today's society.

Unfortunately, the very success of protective services (i.e., nothing bad happens) often legislates against needed protective services being provided. There are three factors that come into play:

bulletFirst, protective services can be very intrusive, with the intrusiveness directly proportional to the level of risk faced.
bulletSecond, protective services can be very expensive, with the expense directly proportional to the level of risk faced.
bulletThird, and most important, unless incidents happen on a regular basis to those being protected, or to associates of those being protected, those involved - the people being protected and the people paying for the protection - become less than sensitive to the risks, and eventually feel that the intrusion and cost outweigh the risks. 

It leads to a feeling in many organisations that it is better to trust to luck that nothing will happen, and to rely on the government, as well as kidnapping and ransom insurance policies, to deal with any problems and associated costs that might arise. Even in high-risk areas many organisations - including large and wealthy organisations whom should know better - often decide not to provide needed protective services.

Family Protection (US) Summer 99My job is to move clients from the attractive potential target category into the unattractive-risk category, thus inducing criminals and other un-wanted attention goes after a less well protected subject. If a kidnapping does occur, it is my job to help get the kidnapped party back unharmed, and to minimise the cost of the extortion.

Just some of the services I can provide........

Family Protection Protective Surveillance Covert Operations
Threat Assessments Risk Analysis Counter Measures
Team Assessments World-Wide Contracts Concerts & Shows
Conferences Dignitaries Entertainment Industry
VIP Protection Celebrity Protection Private Functions
Seminars Special Events Residential Security
Film & TV Locations Tour Security Charitable Events
Matrimonial Surveillance Photographic Surveillance Electronic Surveillance